The Children’s Creative Writing Institute

Perfect gifts for your favorite writer.

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You do not have a story until something goes wrong.

“Hey, Jenn!  Guess what?  I used an onomatopoeia today!”

Writing is the single most important skill that kids need to thrive in our digital age.  Even future scientists need to be able to communicate their ideas effectively.  By focusing on craft and creativity, I’m able to encourage the most reluctant writers and engage the most enthusiastic.  Take a look around, grab some free stuff and write on!

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 It’s important for young writers to have time when they can think of themselves as writers, not students.  No tests.  No grades.  No pressure.  

My classes are designed to encourage reluctant writers and challenge advanced writers.   I love to emphasize the joy of the craft.  Admittedly, that joy might involve some grammar, but I’ll be sneaky about that part!


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